Global Health Security

Global Health Security

Economic growth, social stability, and quality of life all depend on the well-being of a nation’s citizens. Healthy families and communities invest in themselves and their futures, putting countries on a path to prosperity. We design, develop, deploy, and sustain health interventions that improve health and overall well-being while delivering more value at a reduced cost.

Our health expertise covers a range of technical areas, including primary health care; maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health; high-burden infectious diseases, including HIV and AIDS, tuberculosis, COVID-19, and malaria; chronic diseases; nutrition; and water, sanitation, and hygiene. We focus on all these areas with individuals at the heart of our care.

Our Solutions
  • Primary Health Care
  • Health Systems and Service Delivery
  • Health Policy, Financing, and Governance
  • Integrated Health Security
  • Localization, Capacity Strengthening, and Sustainability
  • Information Systems and Data Management

Palladium supports the whole health system. Using a primary health care lens, we address issues ranging from health management and governance to the policies that govern quality service delivery. We increase efficiency and resource allocation, advance data-informed decision-making, and strengthen capacity from the national level to community clinics. These measures improve service delivery, financial management, and leadership.